Celebrate Yourself!

We say
“Celebrate Yourself”
You look
in the mirror. You can name all your faults instantly- too fat, too skinny, too
tall, and too short. The list can go on and on….and on. It’s easy to get down
on ourselves for all the things we are NOT. Listen, there are enough people in the world who can tear you
down, so there is no need to do it to yourself.
Hepburn once said: “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for
beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, and walk with the
knowledge that you are never alone.”
Great advice. At
ReySwimwear we say “Celebrate Yourself!”
How do you
do that?
Focus on the
When you
look in the mirror find the things you like about yourself- say it out loud. Write yourself notes and stick them to
the mirror if you need reminding or even use lipstick. It may feel silly at
first, but you will notice an improvement in the way you feel if you keep practicing.
This is a skill that has to be learned. It won’t come overnight. Think about
all the days, months, years you have told yourself what is wrong with you. Now,
it’s time to tell yourself what is right.
Get a business card, write a few things you like about yourself. Look at
it whenever you need a reminder.
Stop Comparing:
You think
you are fine, till you notice someone else who is: better, richer, prettier. ERRRR just get rid of the comparing. It
can be lethal. Don’t assume that anyone’s life is perfect- no one’s life is.
No more
When I get
a boyfriend, then I’ll be happy. If I get that promotion, then I’ll be okay. If
I just loose ten more pounds….Don’t just celebrate yourself when you DO
something specific. You are valuable just how you are and you don’t need anyone
else to tell you that. No one else
can give you self-worth.
Get a
journal. Write down anything and everything that comes to mind. Draw pictures or make it a gratitude
journal. Cut out beautiful pictures, quotes that you love, birthday cards and
paste them in your book.
Got any
more ideas? We’d love to hear them. Tell us how you “Celebrate Yourself” in the comments below:
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